Blev dejt m "le barbell".. Många nya sköna kombinationer och varianter. Tunga och utmanande. Sen loss på/med medicinboll(arna).
Blir till att sätta ihop nån vansinnes-kombo av dagens tester.
Jo, många som höjer denna matlivstil till skyarna. Känner att snart är det dax att se vad de menar..
Tacksam för tips och synpunkter.
Nedan från S.Sonnons länk:
10 Reasons To Eat Paleo
1. You won’t ever feel like you’re starving ever again; you’ll eat regular meals without the ups and downs of hunger pains. No crashes or spikes. No compulsions, cravings or cavings.
2. You’ll always know what you’re eating; no ingredients you can’t pronounce or labels to decipher. Goodbye Monsanto.
3. You’ll have a huge variety of foods to choose from; you may actually discover vegetables you never knew existed, and probably confound even your vegan friends with your green lore.
4. You’ll learn to cook in the most simplistic of terms; food preparation is easy when reduced to a protein, a fat, some spices and vegetables... And never feel bored, and always be satisfied. Seriously.
5. You will lose that stubborn fat that you were beginning to believe was impossible to lose. Dare I say without having to change your fitness regimine.
6. Your clothes will be too large for you; you may actually have to shop for new ones. Okay, that may be a drawback for some, but an enjoyable "loss."
7. Your skin will have a healthy glow. No, really!
8. You will feel great: more, stable focus, energy and vitality. Can't say enough here about Quality of Life.
9. You will look great; like the natural athlete you were born as.
10. You will never have to go on another “diet” ever again. Never ever.
Tacksam för tips och synpunkter.
Nedan från S.Sonnons länk:
10 Reasons To Eat Paleo
1. You won’t ever feel like you’re starving ever again; you’ll eat regular meals without the ups and downs of hunger pains. No crashes or spikes. No compulsions, cravings or cavings.
2. You’ll always know what you’re eating; no ingredients you can’t pronounce or labels to decipher. Goodbye Monsanto.
3. You’ll have a huge variety of foods to choose from; you may actually discover vegetables you never knew existed, and probably confound even your vegan friends with your green lore.
4. You’ll learn to cook in the most simplistic of terms; food preparation is easy when reduced to a protein, a fat, some spices and vegetables... And never feel bored, and always be satisfied. Seriously.
5. You will lose that stubborn fat that you were beginning to believe was impossible to lose. Dare I say without having to change your fitness regimine.
6. Your clothes will be too large for you; you may actually have to shop for new ones. Okay, that may be a drawback for some, but an enjoyable "loss."
7. Your skin will have a healthy glow. No, really!
8. You will feel great: more, stable focus, energy and vitality. Can't say enough here about Quality of Life.
9. You will look great; like the natural athlete you were born as.
10. You will never have to go on another “diet” ever again. Never ever.
Fredagsstart.. Q-Fit Berlin TRX
Fredagsstart... Mkt TRX med kontroll, styrka och mkt core. Längesedan ett (nästan) helt TRX baserat gottepass. Några gamla godingar och några helt nya, blandat med hopp och medicinboll.
Q-Fit Berlin -TRX
3 rounds each
TRX * S.leg squat alt 30
Airbourne s.leg jump 2x10
--------- Boxjump Serie
TRX * L-pushups 10
TRX * X Flys 10
TRX * Bench Dips
TRX * S.arm High Row 2x10
TRX * Hip press w KB OH twist 20
TRX * S.arm bicep curl/ s.leg half squat 2*10
----- med ball twist throw 1 min
TRX * Raise - T-Y-X-I (tabata)
TRX * Susp Shoulder press 10
TRX * Hanging L-sit Pullups 10
------------ ABS ------------------
TRX * S.arm fallout 2x10
TRX * Full scorpio 2-10
KB Suspended crunches
Bosu X-star crunches 1 min

Q-Fit Berlin -TRX
3 rounds each
TRX * S.leg squat alt 30
Airbourne s.leg jump 2x10
--------- Boxjump Serie
TRX * L-pushups 10
TRX * X Flys 10
TRX * Bench Dips
TRX * S.arm High Row 2x10
TRX * Hip press w KB OH twist 20
TRX * S.arm bicep curl/ s.leg half squat 2*10
----- med ball twist throw 1 min
TRX * Raise - T-Y-X-I (tabata)
TRX * Susp Shoulder press 10
TRX * Hanging L-sit Pullups 10
------------ ABS ------------------
TRX * S.arm fallout 2x10
TRX * Full scorpio 2-10
KB Suspended crunches
Bosu X-star crunches 1 min
Q-Fit Firefox
Ok, ankeln och länden säger att VIPR får utebli ikväll.. Blir en anpassad Q-Fit Firefox.;-)
Bosu, Kb's, TRX o lite xtra tryck på biceps.. Och avslutning med tabata-löpning
Bosu, Kb's, TRX o lite xtra tryck på biceps.. Och avslutning med tabata-löpning
Q-Fit FireFox
3 rounds each
20 Airbourne Bosu-X
20 TRX rev s leg squat w/ should mob
10 Med.Ball 10kg rollsquat + knee slam
20 TRX/m ball S.leg hamstringcurl
20 KB floorpress alt L/R
20 KB Renegade Row
10 Prisoner chins/pullup
20 KB knee sambo swing L/R
10 Bosu push-plank L/R
10 TRX s.arm floortap
Sit thru pushup 2x12
- Barbell curl , up-slow 8-10
- quick 30-40
- plank - Band alt curls
KB quick russian twist 2x12
TRX supline thru (s.leg) 12
Bosu 5-5-10 x
TRX Rot torso - straight arms 2x12
3 rounds each
20 Airbourne Bosu-X
20 TRX rev s leg squat w/ should mob
10 Med.Ball 10kg rollsquat + knee slam
20 TRX/m ball S.leg hamstringcurl
20 KB floorpress alt L/R
20 KB Renegade Row
10 Prisoner chins/pullup
20 KB knee sambo swing L/R
10 Bosu push-plank L/R
10 TRX s.arm floortap
Sit thru pushup 2x12
- Barbell curl , up-slow 8-10
- quick 30-40
- plank - Band alt curls
KB quick russian twist 2x12
TRX supline thru (s.leg) 12
Bosu 5-5-10 x
TRX Rot torso - straight arms 2x12
Parkour Training
Vilka helsköna tokar! Och vilken ruskig kroppskontroll de jobbat upp...
Där ligger man lite efter, och kanske lite försent oxå..;-)
Där ligger man lite efter, och kanske lite försent oxå..;-)
Måndag: TacFit Mission Q-Mix
Måndag. Runt 19 ( beroende på hockeytider)...
Tänkt en skön tacfit-mission-mix, tabata, kroppsvikt...
Rörlighet o mkt core. ( fast brukar ju sluta med mkt av allt..;-) )
TacFit Mission Q-Mix
20/10 -8
Lunge twist knee
Revolving Table
Sit thru reach
Bear squat
Screw pushup
Spinal rock pike
Rocca forearm
Tripod overhead twist
Tänkt en skön tacfit-mission-mix, tabata, kroppsvikt...
Rörlighet o mkt core. ( fast brukar ju sluta med mkt av allt..;-) )
TacFit Mission Q-Mix
20/10 -8
Lunge twist knee
Revolving Table
Sit thru reach
Bear squat
Screw pushup
Spinal rock pike
Rocca forearm
Tripod overhead twist
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