
4-day Wave Training

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The 4-day wave is a physical training schedule created by Scott Sonnon to maximize performance and recovery through varied training intensity. This method of cycling intensity is the foundation of most CST and TACFIT programs, and can be incorporated into any physical training routine.

The 4 day cycle looks like this:

• Moderate Intensity: This is your dedicated strength training day. Your heart rate should not exceed 85% of heart rate maximum and your rating of perceived exertion should be 5-7 on a 10 scale.

• High Intensity: Metabolic conditioning and peak performance are emphasized on this day. Your heart rate should remain between 85 and 95% of heart rate maximum and your rating of perceived exertion should be 8-10 on a 10 scale.

• No Intensity: Strength training and metabolic conditioning can take a toll on joint health. “No intensity” joint mobility training is a critical component of active recovery.

• Low Intensity: Compensatory movement will help to further decompress joints and release muscular tension. A critical component of recovery from previous training while priming your body for the next cycle of moderate and high intensity training.

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